Interesting Engineering Links
This is a collection of engineering links that I have found interesting over the years.
Why Disaster Happens at the Edges: An Introduction to Queue Theory - The New Stack
What We Talk about When We Talk about Performance.

How we ship code faster and safer with feature flags | The GitHub Blog
At GitHub, we improve existing features and work on new ones all the time, so we use feature flags to ship faster and to lower the risk of deployments.

A Lifetime of Systems Thinking - The Systems Thinker
hen one reaches 80, one is considered to be ripe and ready for picking. Picking usually consists of the pickers asking the pickee to reflect back on the wisdom he has gained over his lifetime. This request is based on the false assumption that wisdom increases with age. The pickee is then expected t…

The Document Culture of Amazon
A look at Amazon’s culture of writing and reading

How to Learn Advanced Mathematics Without Heading to University - Part 1 | QuantStart
How to Learn Advanced Mathematics Without Heading to University - Part 1
How to Learn Advanced Mathematics Without Heading to University - Part 2 | QuantStart
How to Learn Advanced Mathematics Without Heading to University - Part 2
How to Learn Advanced Mathematics Without Heading to University - Part 3 | QuantStart
How to Learn Advanced Mathematics Without Heading to University - Part 3

How to Learn Advanced Mathematics Without Heading to University - Part 4 | QuantStart
In Part 4 of the series we examine some of the necessary stochastic calculus and statistics modules that are most beneficial to those who wish to become quantitative researchers of developers in an investment bank or systematic hedge fund.

Software Estimation Is Hard. Do It Anyway. - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
It’s well established that estimating software projects is hard. This is true, but you should learn how anyway.

The unexpected complications of minor features ★★★★★
I recently tweeted about how adding seemingly minor features can unexpectedly snowball in to a significant amount of work. I thought it was worth writing up in...

Learning from incidents - Formula 1 |
Picture the scene. You’re the head engineer at a Formula 1 racing team, and moments away from the start of a race when a minor mistake by your driver sees your car damaged on the way to the grid. You…

Principle of least astonishment - Wikipedia

GitHub - zedr/dieter-rams-10-applied-to-software
Contribute to zedr/dieter-rams-10-applied-to-software development by creating an account on GitHub.
Coverage Is Not Strongly Correlated with Test Suite Effectiveness · It Will Never Work in Theory
Efficiency is the Enemy - Farnam Street
If you ever find yourself stressed, overwhelmed, sinking into stasis despite wanting to change, or frustrated when you can’t respond to new opportunities, you need more slack in your life. Here’s how slack works and why you need more of it.

The Amazon Way of Writing
How to write clearly and influence people

What the Fastly outage can teach us about writing error messages | OnlineOrNot
As developers, we can *definitely* do better than ‘Error 503 Service Unavailable’ when it comes to error messages. This article shows you how.

Software Estimation Is Hard. Do It Anyway. - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
It’s well established that estimating software projects is hard. This is true, but you should learn how anyway.

Simple Systems Have Less Downtime
The Maersk Triple-E Class container ship is 1,300 feet long, carries over 18,000 containers across 11,000 miles between Europe and Asia, and… Its entire crew can fit inside a passenger van.

Beyond Coupling and Cohesion: Strategies For Un-F*cking Yourself
This post belongs in the ‘highly speculative’ category. It contains ideas that I’ve yet to flesh out and properly pin down. Reader beware!

Error Proofing / Poka Yoke / Fool Proofing / Mistake Proofing
“The best approach is to dig out and eliminate problems where they are assumed not to exist”: Shigeo Shingo

Why We Killed Our End-to-End Test Suite - Building Nubank
How Nubank switched from and End-to-End suite to a Contract and Acceptance testing strategy to scale to over 1k engineers
Explaining explaining: a quick guide on explanatory writing
This blog post is about how to explain things in writing.

[Notes] A Tale of Three Trees by @chacon • michael schade
First Principles of Interaction Design (Revised & Expanded)
The following principles are fundamental to the design and implementation of effective interfaces, whether for traditional GUI environments, the web, mobile devices, wearables, or Internet-connecte…

Ben Northrop - Always do Extra
A simple rule that every good, veteran programmer seems to follow with respect to managing their time.

Chesterton’s Fence: A Lesson in Second Order Thinking - Farnam Street
A core component of making great decisions is understanding the rationale behind previous decisions. If we don’t understand how we got “here,” we run the risk of making things much worse.